
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Guns, schools and criminal minds Essay

Due to a massive shootings events in the last years, we, the people have been wondering â€Å"Is it a good idea to have guns in our children’s school? I’ve always believe that schools are the safest places in the world, until December 14, 2012, when 20 years old Adan Lanza fatally shot twenty children and 6 adult staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Now, do you feel safe when leaving your child at school? and, would you agree in sending your children off to a place full of guns? David Thweatt, superintendent of schools in Harrold, Texas, described how his small rural district implemented a plan to allow some staff members to carry concealed weapons in addition to other security members. Mr. Thweatt emphasizes that they are at least half-hour away from closest law enforcement ofï ¬ cials, they believe that they have done everything possible to protect their children. This plan is called â€Å"The Guardian Plan†. Many people thi nk that the world without guns would be a world at peace, this people claim that they love their children enough to not want them to go to school prisons. Plenty of new issues can emerge while teachers carry guns, who is going to protect them if a teacher lose control? Different opinions say that having an armed staff of educators will only increase the problem, they think that bad people are the problem and government should focus on create better and smarter solutions to keep bad people off to schools. According to teachers, they feel offended when someone scoff the idea of a teacher being trained to use a ï ¬ rearm, they already have much to deal with, such a crowd control, conï ¬â€šict resolution, and maintain order amidst chaos. Unfortunately, Mr. Thweatt’s is not very popular on educators†¦ However, a job as a teacher does not require to be armed, they have enough responsibilities to in addition put the weight of carrying a ï ¬ rearm over their shoulders. These money may well be used to buy books, pencils, electronic equipment, to keep classes that have been suspended due to lack of income, and some other needs that we all know most school have. On the other hand, the tragic situation in Sandy Hook Elementary has changed many people’s mind. Having a good guy adequately trained would be a great way to keep terrorist off schools and most important to keep children safe. As long as all the staff involved had passed all different kind of tests, it should be an idea to considerate. We need immediate solutions, and since NRA will always support our â€Å"gun culture†, and acquiring a gun has only became easier we need something that work, something that give us peace every time we leave our kids at school. The Guardian Plan may be our best bet to avoid, and be aware of catastrophic act of terrorist. At the same time that I believe guns against guns are only more death and danger, I also believe that we are not in a position to decline systematized plans that will keep our children protected. Many people might believe that the children would be living on the edge while being in a guns environment, for now, and until our society shows progress, I will be strongly agree with the idea of having schools prepared to any kind of terrorist attack.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Victor Frankenstein

Man (Victor) vs. God Half-frozen, trembling, and troubled are all adjectives that could describe Victor Frankenstein when a ship captain by the name of Robert Walton rescued him in the middle of the Artic. From dialogue between the two, we are informed that Victor Frankenstein has spent his entire life trying to learn everything he could about science and medicine. However, Victor used his knowledge differently than his professors had intended for him to.Written in 1816, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein – is vivid portrayal of Victor Frankenstein and the â€Å"fiend† he creates. In the early stages of his education, Victor was interested in learning new and foreign things –concepts and ideas about life and death. Though as the story progresses, it becomes clear Victor becomes consumed with trying to â€Å"play† God by creating a new life. Frankenstein – tells the story of the age-old battle of Man vs. God. From childhood, Victor had the odd, but u nique, obsession of the concept of life and death.His interest in death first sparked when a carriage killed his dog, Bruno. Victor desperately wanted to change fate and bring Bruno back to life, but being young and without proper education, Victor did not know how to go about reviving the dog. During a thunderstorm the very next night, Victor witnessed the unmatched power of lightning and electricity when a tree was struck during the storm. He was amazed and astonished at how much destruction the electrical storm had caused – but the lighting was not the only thing that sparked that night.Something also sparked in Victor that night. He wondered if he too could also create something as beautiful as life. A few short weeks later, Victor’s mother became very ill after contracting the common illness of the time, scarlet fever. She died a few short weeks later. Victor was utterly devastated by his mother’s death and he longed for a way to bring her back to life. I f ell that Shelley uses instances, such as this one, to portray how we as humans are not only enthralled with power, but also with being powerful.I believe that the plot used by Mary Shelly, particularly with the death of Victor’s mother, illustrates how Victor wanted the same power God has – and ultimately tried to play the role of God by creating life. After arriving at the University in Ingolstadt, Victor’s enrolled in Science classes so he could learn everything there was to know about the human body and medicine. He would spend class time and stay up hours on end at nigh, continually reading his texts. But as Victor’s knowledge of the sciences grew, so did the ever-burning desire he had to create a new life.However, Victor would ignore his own warning given to his friend Walton, urging him to not follow his example, warning him, â€Å"Learn from me . . . how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge, and how much happier that man is who believes his n ative town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow. † His notion that he could use what he had witnessed as a child to create a living creature, consumed his life so much that Victor would rarely leave his room.After he felt that he had learned enough to bring a body to life – he did. Ironically, during a storm, he is successful in his quest to possess that God-like power of giving life to the non-living. However, Victor is immediately repulsed, stating, â€Å"†¦the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart. † His life had become so consumed on bringing it to life, that he did not take the time to think of the consequences of his actions or his creation.Here, Shelley seems to argue that ignorance is bliss. After the creation of the fiend, Victor is so frightened that he spends the night in his courtyard, afraid to reenter his home. Saddened by the reaction of his creator upon ini tial sight of his creation, the fiend leaves Victor’s house while Victor is still in the courtyard. Victor lets be and does not search for the monster. We learn about the misfortunes of Victor’s family. The fiend, as revenge for Victor’s actions, murders several of Frankenstein’s family members.Everywhere the monster goes, he is faced with the realization that most people are frightened by just how he looks. Years of being an outcast of society leave the creature cold and spiteful. The creature explains his anger, saying, â€Å"There was non among the myriads of men that existed who would pity or assist me; and should I feel kindness towards my enemies? No: from that moment I declared everlasting war against the species, and, more than all, against him who had formed me and sent me forth to this insupportable misery. But pity can be felt as the monster describes the moment he learns that the most respected men in society have wealth and influence, he sta tes, â€Å"I possessed no money, no friends, no kind of property. † Shelley uses this quote to underscore the theme of man's cruelty and injustice. She also uses scenes like these to describe and depict how horrible the situation can end up being when humans try to play the role of God and attempt things that humans don’t have the full power or knowledge to do.In conclusion, it is more than safe to say that throughout the novel Victor Frankenstein was constantly consumed with learning new things about life and death, stating â€Å"Curiosity, earnest research to learn the hidden laws of nature, gladness akin to rapture, as they were unfolded to me, are among the earliest sensations I can remember. † That obsession lead to Victor’s attempt to assume the role of God. Victor’s quest for knowledge proves he is determined to do anything and everything that it takes to become more educated in the sciences – ultimately attempting and succeeding at g iving life to a human being.Unlike the majority of the people of his time, Victor did not believe that God is the only one who can create a life – he felt that he could do it as well. The outcome of his actions and – multiple deaths, a terrorized populace, a monster – is concrete proof that things such as the creation life should be left in the hands of the true creator†¦God. Mary Shelley used her novel to paint a vivid picture for the audience. The image illustrates that if we try playing God, it will likely end in disaster, just as it did in the case of Victor Frankenstein.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Discussion Forum Post Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion Forum Post - Essay Example man who work by faith should understand how to cope with the justice a contradiction of war and needs to understand how to deal with different  aspects of a strange and pilgrim world. Individual is always meant to obey God and obedience to civil authority. Although the humans are expected to obey authorities and accept the punishment willingly, the authority with the responsibility to levy punishment should not over exercise in the task. The authority has the power to control the behavior of the individual, but they are not expected to impose heavy punishment such as dead to individuals. The traditional chief could set rules that his people were required to follow. In case someone goes against the set rules, the punishment was administered. Those punishments could sometimes be too heavy and may include killing, which is against todays culture. Today’s society is well-organized with the most of the authorities playing their roles as expected. International laws do not allow any leadership to administer killing as part of punishment. On the other site, most people obey God and authority as

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Women in the Military Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Women in the Military - Essay Example The reason for the exclusion of women in the military is as a result of their smaller physical body, and Fenner & DeYoung (2001 p 145) reports that women have 50 percent strength of the strength men have. According to Barno (2014), ‘in January 2014 fifty percent of women in the US marine failed to pass a physical standard test’, a test similar to the one offered to their male counterparts. The cry for greater women representation for women to serve in more diverse roles is louder than ever, in fact, the defense secretary reiterated the desire, by stating that, ‘combat positions will be more open to women’ †¦.Indeed, the civil talk of gender equality has breached the gate of the military service. The genuine need for a military service in which both men and women have equal opportunities has been thwarted by nature. Women are born naturally physically weaker than men. Debate on the roles of women in the military is as strong as ever, with the gender activist calling for standardization of the processes so that the women take positions in ground

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ethical Decision Making and Contemporary Managers Essay

Ethical Decision Making and Contemporary Managers - Essay Example The Enron scandal a few years back and the JP Morgan failure are merely tips of the iceberg in the sense that they clearly point towards the fact that many times the managers in the corporations, moved by self-interest or a more than rational commitment to the shareholders, do end up resorting to unethical decisions which in the long run have a very destabilizing impact on the economy and the society. Hence, one big challenge facing the managers serving the corporations is to resort to ethical decision making in their day to day professional conduct, irrespective of the pulls and pressures they are always vulnerable to. As per the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, ethics mean â€Å"moral principles that control or influence a person’s behavior (518)†. Going by the fact that managing corporations is a job that is about allocation and distribution of resources, exercise and delegation of legal and financial power, sharing and concealing of information, there is no denying the fact that contemporary managers do many times come across situations which could press them to waver from the established principles and ethics (Pava 17). The ethical challenges faced by managers within an organization could be of many types. For instance, many times the managers have to face a situation which requires them to strike a balance between reducing running costs and the health and safety of the employees. Here, a manager gave to ethical decision making while never cut upon the expenditure that assures the safety and well-being of the employees. ... Also, for instance, in the present age of technology and IT revolution, managers are required to respect the information pertaining to customers, while at the same time resorting to an optimal use of the available information to maximize sales and profits. No wonder, these calls for a dedicated ethical decision making and the weighing of the decisions taken in the light of the set ethical benchmarks. As employees, shareholders and customers expect the companies to be ethical and above board, a failure of the management in this area my mar the reputation and viability of a corporation in a serious way. Going by this, the most important question that comes to mind is that what can the managers do to act in an ethical way? First and foremost, a manager, to be able to act in an ethical way must have an internal map dedicated to ethical decision making. If a manager adheres to any religion, it is really good as it could serve as a source of deciding as to what is right or wrong. However, managers who are not given to religious affiliations could also draw inspiration from the available secular sources to develop a personal ethical compass that could guide them during their course of decision making. The next thing that could go a long way in promising ethical decision making on the part of the managers is that corporations should make sure that junior managers do always have access to senior mentors within the organization who have a reputation for ethical decision making (Sims 209). This will allow the young managers to have a practical exposure to the challenges involved in ethical decision making and will prepare them to be the leaders of the future. Besides, in their day to day working, the senior management should make it a point to encourage ethical

Friday, July 26, 2019

Comment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comment - Essay Example The post further states that we should begin to be mindful of the waste we dump into our environment and stop giving much thought to the big cars we want to drive without caring about the effect it has in our environment (Kasting and Seifert 123). The importance of caring for our natural resources like the water catchment areas and reducing the rate of using fossil fuels to help restore our environmental sanity is also highlighted in this post. The industrial revolution increased the need for more raw materials and this prompted the increased degradation of our natural resources to help feed the demand for industrialization but at the expense of destroying our environment. Technological growth has also not had any significant impacts on the fight to end global warming but has created avenues for people to have shortcuts and cheats in accomplishing their tasks (Kasting and Seifert 123) In conclusion, I want to concur with the post that all the blame of the environmental damage so far done on our environment is on human beings due to the activities and inactivity towards preserving God’s gift to

Critical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Critical Analysis - Essay Example Finally, it will highlight on the collective root causes, issues and problems that arose as a result of chattel slavery and then it will analyze approaches to abolishing chattel slavery. Origin of Chattel Slavery in North America Since slavery was incorporated in the world, slaves were viewed as property and could be moved as easy as when the owners wanted. This did not take long to be incorporated in the North America. This is so since from the time slaves were bought, or kidnapped in Africa, they were immediately treated as property to be exported into North America. There are various reasons why slaves were treated as property. First, the constitution at that time stipulated that as long as someone was white, they had the right to life and own property. This meant that black people were not considered as human beings by the law since they did not have the right to own property. This being the case, then they were treated as property which could be sold or bought as their masters w ished. Chattel slavery also started in north America as a way of ensuring that slaves respected their masters and did anything they were asked. This is so since being property meant that they could eat, sleep and wear clothes at their masters’ pleasure. This resulted in the black slaves loosing respect for themselves resulting in their at most obedience to their masters. Another reason why chattel slavery was introduced in North America was to ensure that slaves did not run away from their masters. Slaves were branded to ensure that everyone including the slaves new that they were someone’s property. By doing so, the Whites ensured that a slave could not run away since there would be nowhere else they would go. This was the case because if a fugitive slave was caught by white people he/she would have been returned to his master who had branded him/he and severely punished through whipping or sometimes execution. Chattel slaver was legal in North America since it was pr otected by the constitution. In fact, even after the declaration of independence changes to the section on slavery had been architected in such a way that it would not have been changed for the next two decades. Fugitive Narratives and abolition of Slavery Fugitive slave narratives were stories either written or oral about the life and accomplishments of a slave who had ran away from their masters or a free slave. These narratives became so influential North America that they are considered a tradition in the United States of America. These narratives were instrumental in the abolition of slavery in North America since they resulted in many slaves revolving against their masters asking for their rights as they too were also human beings. These stories talked of how a slave experienced freedom and how in other parts of North America and the world black people were respected and treated as fellow human beings. In fact most scholars consider slave fugitive narratives as the major facto r that led to the abolition of slave trade. This is so since it was through them that black people started to revolt against their masters and even fight for their freedom some even willing to die. As a result slavery got abolished since many slaves ran away from the southern states to join the war in favor of the union side of the American civil

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Computed Tomography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Computed Tomography - Assignment Example lues based on dispersed dose quantities while on the other side, the NCRP technique demonstrated an overestimation of the least vital obstacle of depth. Breast shielding method is another shielding method. It helps in reducing radiation dose. The main side effect of breast shielding is that it produces low quality images during the study. Bismuth shielding method on the other side has also contributed to reduce doses effects to patients of CT such as breast, thyroid and eye lens. (Jankowski et al., 2004). Bismuth shielding method is also easy to use compared to other methods. Radiation protection shielding helps in reducing exposed body parts which are sensitive such as thyroid and gonads and the breast from radiation. Having gone through several findings about computed tomography radiation protection shield, it is our concern to consider different body parts that experiences radiation effects. The reviews specify a favorite shields for computed tomography angiography versus ventilat ion perfusion scanning in the diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolus to the patients with lung disease (Jankowski et al., 2004). The nature of likeness is geared with a number of factors that varies between the institutions and the selection of the patient. Shielding calculations for computed tomography system is based on British Institute of Radiology and institute of physics in Engineering in Medicine (BIR-IPEM). Studies reveal that people are much affected by computed tomography (Jankowski et al., 2004).

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Huge Impact of Primitivism on the Development of Modern Art Research Paper

Huge Impact of Primitivism on the Development of Modern Art - Research Paper Example The essay "Huge Impact of Primitivism on the Development of Modern Art" analyzes primitivist's huge impact on the development of the history of modern art. Primitivism is predominantly a Christian Caucasian view that view any form of art that is not Caucasian as primitive. Interestingly, art work from some major cultures like Greek, Egyptian and Roman art are not considered primitive. Islamic art, Chinese art and Indian art are also not considered as primitive art. Primitivism has its genesis in the 19th century when it was used in the description of imagery and motif art. Imagery and motifs are usually associated with primitive art. Primitivism first appeared in the Tahitian paintings of Paul Gauguin. Primitivism became a trend that was majorly practiced by German and French artists. Some of these artists were Jacob Epstein, Ernst Ludwig and Picasso. Primitivism has also not been thought to be the preserve of ancient people. It has been used to describe the work of self taught artis ts known for simplistic paintings. Primitive art from self-taught artists is also known as Naà ¯ve art or Outsider art. This kind of art has been seen in the works of artists like Paul Klee (1879-1940), Asger Jorn (1914-1973), Karel Appel (1921-2006) and Frida Kahlo (1907-1954). Primitivism was introduced to the Western world during the age of discovery, when unknown culture and people were discovered. The discovery age also saw the emergence of colonialism. Colonialism made indigenous culture and artifacts accessible.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Political Discussion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Political Discussion - Coursework Example President Nixon’s Watergate Scandal was considerably destructive because it earned him the lowest ratings in the second term as compared to other presidents. The current president, President Obama threatens to break this trend because he enjoys a conspicuous upward trend in his approval ratings since the 2012 election. Even so, the second term, riddled by the "second-term curse", is considerably rough because of the over expectations of the public. Special interest groups are good for the nation because they exert influence on the political and legal systems. They encourage democracy and ensure that decision makers settle on decisions that serve the common good. A healthy democracy is possible because of the efforts of interest groups, who neutralize bad policies, and represent minority groups. Although they have too much influence on policy, the existence of several interest groups ensures that their negotiations results in the best policies. Even so, the presence of too many special interest groups is bad because the government may fail to achieve anything substantial. They have other advantages too, such as misrepresentation of cultures, but the advantages of special interest groups make them good. From www.opensecrets.org, I learned about the influence of money on U.S. public policy and elections. Some politicians often finance most interest groups, and they use them to push their own agenda and political

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger Essay Example for Free

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger Essay Holden Caulfield in, The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D. Salinger, lives a troubled life of not really caring about the repercussions of his actions. Holden’s beliefs on life are very narrow minded and he is very judgmental of everyone around him. Holden also has a strong belief that mostly everyone in the world is a phony. This ties into Holden’s wants of becoming a catcher in the rye when he is older. In the future Holden wants to become the catcher in the rye to save children from falling into the rye. This idea of doing this came into Holden’s mind after hearing the poem by Robert Burns. Holden thinks that the poem says â€Å"If a body catch a body comin’ through the rye,† but the actual lyric is â€Å"If a body meet a body, coming through the rye.†The original poem is about two adults meeting in the rye, Holden misconstrues this line and thinks that it means someone catching someone in the rye, which Holden wants to do. Holden wants to stand on the edge of the cliff and catch the children from falling. This is symbolic of Holden wanting to save himself along with other children having to grow up in a world that he believes to be phony. Holden wants to catch the kids before they lose their innocence and fall into an adult world with adult beliefs. By Holden wanting to be The Catcher in the Rye, it is symbolic throughout the book and how he doesn’t want to grow up and tries to avoid everyone who is phony. He doesn’t want children to lose their innocence because it is something pure that only lasts temporarily. Holden’s wish to be the â€Å"catcher in the rye† is significant to explaining who Holden is as a person. After the reader finds out what Holden wants to become when he is older you get a better understanding of Holden and his beliefs. In a world that is all phony to him, he just wants to live. Even though he may not want to hurt any feelings, he comes off very rude. Allies death was a turning point in Holden’s life and changed everything. This truly troubles Holden and is shown throughout the story, such as when he no longer cares about his studies or school. Allies death causes him to become very troubled in life and disregard the good of his own life. When Holden says he wants to be the catcher in the rye, not only does he want to save kids innocence but he doesn’t want to face adult hood as well. Living in a phony world will ruin the innocence of children that doesn’t last forever. As the reader can see, Holden is a very troubled boy growing up in a â€Å"phony† world. A kid wanting to protect children from losing innocence will happen when Holden becomes the Catcher in the rye. As a symbolic theme throughout the whole book it is a symbol of Holden not wanting to grow up as well.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Role Of Nurse In Breast Cancer Health Promotion Nursing Essay

Role Of Nurse In Breast Cancer Health Promotion Nursing Essay Health promotion has been defined as the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its detriments and thereby improve their health (WHO 2005). Breast Health Promotion improves understanding and confidence among women. It can help to remove fear of breast cancer and it encourages early diagnosis (Breastcancer care 2008).Health promotion can be performed in various locations. The settings that have received special attention are the community, health care settings, schools and workplaces (Tilford et al 2001). Breast cancer is a disease that affects almost 46,000 women and around 300 men in the United Kingdom every year. One in nine women in the U.K will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime (Cancer Research UK 2006). The contents of this assignment will include the importance of health promotion, primary, secondary and tertiary levels in relation to breast cancer, legislation and barriers. Breast cancer is a very frightening word and the detection of it harrowing therefore early detection in order to improve breast cancer outcomes and survival remains the cornerstone of breast cancer control (Anderson et al 2008). Mortality from breast cancer is falling in all age groups and the reasons for this are not certain but early diagnosis through screening and improvements in treatment particularly greater use of adjuvant therapies (e.g. chemotheraphy or radiotherapy) undoubtedly contribute (Petro et al 2000). It is important that women have as much information about the benefits and the risks of potential treatments so that they are able to have an active role in their treatment plans. Treatment should be tailored to individual needs and circumstances (NICE 2009). There are several types of breast cancer which can develop in different parts of the breast and the most common form is ductal breast cancer which develops in the cells that line the breast ducts. Ductal breast cancer accounts for approximately 80% of all cases of breast cancer. (NICE 2002). Breast cancer can spread to different parts of the body such as the bones, lymph nodes and the liver. (NHS Choices 2010). Primary interventions should be considered in the promotion of health in reducing some of the risks of getting breast cancer; these include maintaining a healthy diet (particularly one low in fat but high in fibre and vegetables). A key feature of the governments prevention strategy to reduce early deaths from cancers and coronary heart disease is action to improve diet and nutrition with the introduction of eating 5 A DAY and CHANGE 4 LIFE. Evidence has shown that higher fruit and vegetable consumption can reduce the risk of breast cancer (DH 2000). Being active and undertaking some exercise also reduces the risk and women with higher levels of physical exercise have around 30% lower risk of developing breast cancer than those that are least active. The higher the level of physical activity the lower the risk (Dorn et al 2003). Drinking more than two units of alcohol per day over a number of years can also increase the risk (Macmillan 2008). In order to help promote the governments programmes, it is essential that the nurse has sound knowledge of these plans so that she can raise awareness of health benefits, offer advice and educate patients about all the strategies that they can do to help promote a healthier life. It is very important to become familiar with how the breasts look and feel at different times of the month. The breast awareness 5-point code was introduced as a way of caring for your body and being able to notice any unusual changes in your breasts (Breast Cancer care 2007).The practice nurse will offer guidance to show patients how to examine their breasts or offer a leaflet which contains all the necessary information. School nurses are also helping to promote breast health and breast cancer prevention to young girls across the nation in schools where they talk openly with girls about breast development and the complex health and emotional issues and problems that may occur. The health promotion enables the young girls to face the future with confidence and with knowledge of breast cancer. (Breast cancer 2008). Breast screening is offered to all women between the ages of 50-70 years and they will receive an appointment by letter to attend for breast screening, however, if any unusual changes in the breast are noticed, it is essential that an appointment to see a G.P or the practice nurse is made, where a full examination of the breasts will be given. Reassurance and support will be given by the nurse or G.P and they will try to alleviate some embarrassment by maintaining privacy and dignity by locking the door and by pulling the curtains around (NMC 2008).If the nurse or G.P is uncertain about the problem, or they think that cancer may be present then a referral to a breast specialist for advice or treatment will be necessary. All patients that are referred to a specialist with breast symptoms, even if breast cancer is not suspected should be seen within two weeks of the referral (DH 2007). Diagnosis in the breast clinic at the hospital is made by a triple assessment (clinical assessment, mammography and/ or ultrasound imaging, core biopsy and/ or fine needle aspiration cytology (NICE 2009). The breast cancer nurse will introduce herself and she will explain everything fully to the patient before gaining relevant historical information off them, the nurse will also ask the patient if they have any questions before asking the patient to put on a gown (ensuring dignity and privacy is maintained).The nurse must use sensitivity, empathy and understanding as this can often be emotionally upsetting and distressing for women. The nurse will ensure that prior consent is always gained off the patient (NMC 2008). Screening is carried out by using either ultrasound scans of the breasts or by mammograms which are x-rays that use very low doses of radiation. In some cases women have both of these. A core biopsy may be used to take samples of cells from a lump or area of abnormality in the breast using a needle. This will be sent to the laboratory where it will be studied by a pathologist. The results of these tests can help determine if the lump contains cancerous cells. Local anaesthetic is used in biopsies and the breast may have some bruising or soreness afterwards. The nurse will be on hand to guide the patient through the experience and will offer advice in caring for the area afterwards and she will assist in making follow up appointments and further treatment plans. The nurse will also support the patient by trying to relieve anxieties, offering reassurances and by answering any concerns. Providing information by the nurse alongside all the support can empower the patient to retain or regain control over their lives (DH 2007).Lack of good, sensitive communication skills provokes poor patient care and it costs the NHS greatly in preventable loss of money, time and resour ces (DH 2000). At tertiary level a number of treatments are available for early breast cancer. The patient will become part of a multidisciplinary team and the nurse specialist or consultant will discuss treatment plans with the patient ensuring that the patient is fully aware of what they are being told and that they understand. (Jefford 2002). Breast surgery is often the first treatment for patients with breast cancer and this must be carried out by surgeons with a special interest and training in breast disease (BASO 2009).The nurse plays a vital role in the patients surgical experience and her role is to ensure that the patient is comfortable, pain free and that encouragement is give to promote independence by advising the patient on wound care, maintaining food and nutritional status, mobility, hygiene and the psychological effect that might be experienced. Treatment given after surgery is known as adjuvant treatment and includes radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and targeted (biological) therapy. Understanding the fundamental principles of radiation therapy enables the oncology nurse to provide support both physically and psychologically by offering advice on nutritional needs, areas that may be affected by the treatment, side effects, practical problems such as money difficulties and transportation to the treatment centre. The oncology nurse will also provide strategies to ensure family members and friends are supported. The delivery of chemotherapy is primarily the responsibility of the oncology nurse. The nurse must have sound knowledge of the pharmacology of the drugs used so that errors do not occur and that the patient is well informed of any possible side-effects. Patients can be very poorly because of the side-effects of chemotherapy so it essential that the oncology nurse gives the correct information to the patient and they should be informed and given guidance of who to contact if problems arise. The use of any adjuvant therapy is frightening for most women but nurses can offer practical advice, emotional and physical support and direction throughout the patients journey The nurse will arrange follow-up appointments for any on-going treatments, and they will discuss with the patient where they would like the follow-up to be undertaken (NICE 2009). As a healthcare professional, nurses are sometimes asked about a wide variety of complementary and alternative therapy as some 30% of women diagnosed with breast cancer visit a complementary therapist (Rees et al 2000). Nurses have a duty to be aware of the different types of therapies and in the aspect of health promotion they must be knowledgeable about safety issues, contra-indication and side effects before advising patients about alternative therapy. The nurse must always follow the NMC in working within ones own limits and using practice based evidence to support her actions (NMC 2008). Palliative care offers a support system to help patients live as actively as possible until death. The palliative care nurse will provide relief from pain and she will offer advice on how to deal with symptoms for example vomiting, diarrhoea and fatigue by explaining to the patient how to rest, positioning when resting, how to use relaxation techniques, they will educate the patient about diet and nutrition and how this can help maintain health and well being. If the patient has oral problems then the nurse can advise the patient on alternative foods such as calorie packed drinks. The palliative care nurse will use her knowledge, skills and caring compassion to guide the patient and their family to the end stage of life by communicating with them effectively, supporting emotionally and physically, planning outcomes with the patient as patient choice over place of death should be a priority (NICE 2004), promoting advice on equipment, wound care whilst always focusing on autonomy, just ice and the spiritual needs of the patient. The NHS Breast Screening programme (DH 1988) was first set up and the role of the breast care nurse is invaluable to the patient in providing support for patients by advising the best options in terms of treatment, emotional and psychological support. The nurses are there as a familiar face for the patient and they will continue to be available for the patient for on going advice throughout treatment. The breast care nurse will offer best advice on diet, health and mental well being and she will give guidance and offer literature on issues relating to the patients illness. With the introduction of the NHS Cancer Plan (DH 2000), new funding for cancer services and cancer specialists became available. Nurses working in hospital and community settings help to detect cancer earlier by educating people about diet, health, exercise and raising public awareness by facilitating posters and leaflets around the health departments. Health clinics were set up where patients can attend for check ups, screening and other health related issues. The cancer Reform Strategy (2007) enhances nurses by implementing training initiatives so that nursing staff can become better educated in cancer care, they can spread good practice, have a better understanding of inequalities, have more face to face communication with patients. Nurses are able to promote health awareness and disseminate information down to the people whose health and mental well being matter e.g. advising patients about smoking cessation and raising awareness about other lifestyle factors that contribute to cancer. The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) is a framework which allows the caring team to plan care using specific goals, guideline-based interventions and a flow sheet that outlines an expected course of a patients care (Ellershaw 2002). The framework is patient focused so the nurse involved will document a plan of care required that includes comfort measures, anticipatory prescribing and discontinuation of inappropriate interventions. The nurse will work very closely with the patient and family and she will ensure that any religious, cultural or spiritual beliefs are adhered to. The Gold Standards Framework (Thomas 2003) was developed and was aimed at primary care teams including nurses and palliative care nurses to help patients live well until the end of life. It helps the team to focus on promoting the needs of patients, families and carers. The nurse can help to plan good death with the patient and the nurse can offer practical and emotional support which will help to maintain the health of the patient and their loved ones. The nurse will offer advice on claiming benefit and financial support as this may have a detrimental impact on family members, carers and their health if they are worried that they cannot cope financially. The nurse can share knowledge with the multidisciplinary team which will help to maximise patient benefit. (GSF 2006). Communication can be a barrier to effective health promotion especially if the individual cannot understand terminology used by the professional or English is not the first language. Effective communication is central to promoting high-quality care and barriers can be overcome by demonstrating active listening skills, talking to individuals in a manner that they can understand, showing supprt, maintaining realistic hope, taking time to talk to patients, being friendly, open and honest .Demonstrating good body language is also very important and this is one barrier that patients will detect very early on. Many departments and clinical settings now employ interpreters, which is beneficial to the patient whose first language is not English. The use of interpreters improves the quality of care for the patient (Dreger et al 2002). Leaflets containing information are also available in different language for the patient to access. Many individuals are unenlightened to their health needs and they may ignore preventative advice off health care professionals. This barrier can be overcome by educating people about health matters, by having health promotion posters, leaflets and information displayed in public places where people can access them without actually having to make an appointment to see a G.P or practice nurse (unless they want/need to). Lifestyle is a barrier to health promotion. Many people face inequalities such as poor diet, poor health and financial difficulties The Department of Healths healthy eating strategies such as 5 A Day and Change 4 Life have tried to change attitudes and raise awareness about the health benefits of eating fruit and vegetables by introducing it into schools, communication programmes e.g. 5 A Day logo, and ensuring that people can have adequate access to affordable, good quality fruit and vegetables within the local community. (DH 2003). Change4Life (DH 2009) can try to eradicate barriers by promoting healthy eating, having more exercise and living longer to young children with the added participation of other family members. The whole family can work together to initiate a healthy future. Transportation difficulties present barriers for many people as they may find it difficult to access G.P surgeries, health centres or the hospital if they do not have the means to get there. Also if the person has mobility difficulties, attending appointments could prove to be a challenge for them. To encounter this problem health care trusts have provided walk in centres, one stop shops and mobile health units( e.g. for mammogram screening) within communities which are easily accessible , open later and at the weekend. To conclude, it is evident from the information discussed in the assignment that early detection of breast cancer can significantly reduce mortality. The care and treatment of women (and men) with breast cancer has evolved greatly over the last few years and although there is no cure for metastatic breast cancer, evidence has shown that women are able to live longer withy the use of different treatments. Breast screening is very important and evidence shows that the earlier breast cancer is diagnosed and treated, the better the chance of successful treatment. The Governments campaigns such as Breast Awareness, 5 A DAY and ACTIVE 4 LIFE have enriched many peoples lives and by having more accessible clinics, walk in centres and mobile health units all contribute to a healthier, more active lifestyle. Many of the clinics are now nurse led and this has proved to provide a warm, caring and informative environment for patients that attend. Cancer provokes stress, anxiety, fear and anger in patients and nurses on the forefront can attempt to soften these fears by offering psychological and emotional support, guidance and empathy to patients. Caring for patients with breast cancer tests all aspects of holistic nursing care and by having all the necessary skills nurses can build a trusting, therapeutic relationship with the patient which will lessen some worries and anxieties for the patient. Communicating well, providing accurate information, listening and having time for the patient enhances the patient journey. It is essential that autonomy is respected regardless of culture, spiritual or ethnicity differences and that what ever treatment the patient requires is undertaken with the utmost sincerity whilst upholding maximum dignity and privacy for the patient. Lastly, end of life care is now firmly established as an important aspect of care delivery and it is an effective means of improving end-of-life care for all patients. The frameworks allow the patients to have a peaceful and meaningful end to their life.

Issues in Youth Offending Sentencing

Issues in Youth Offending Sentencing Part B Fundamental principles/ important sentencing Instructions We are uncertain whether to treat young offenders as children requiring help and guidance or as morally responsible agents who deserve to be punished (Smith, 2005). Finding the balance between the two may be the answer. Many different jurisdictions have different procedure for dealing with juveniles then adults. These typically include diverting some young offenders from criminal justice process, a juvenile or youth court, and scope for this court to prescribe training, education, counselling, supervision, medication, and restoration, either instead of punishment or in addition to it (Smith, 2005). The governing principle for sentencing will be (rehabilitation). This means every possible avenue will be explored before giving a young person a custodial sentence. In ensuring this remains at the forefront of sentencing judges should use this outline when sentencing a young person. Although Rehabilitation is the main focus of this youth justice system, accountability, (Add something more here) †¦.. are also important factors in sentencing. In accordance with the suggestions from Smith (2005) this outline of sentencing principles and instructions set out for police officers, prosecutors and courts for sentencing youth in accordance with the Rehabilitation main principle. Mental health and victim impact statements In all cases involving youth a mental health assessment must be made because youth in the juvenile justice system experience substantially higher rates of mental health disorders than youth in the general population; a high percentage of youth in the juvenile justice system have a diagnosable mental health disorder; it is safe to estimate that at least one out of every five youth in the juvenile justice system has serious mental health problems; and many of the youth in the juvenile justice system with mental illness also have a co-occurring substance abuse disorder. (Cocozza Skowyra, 2000). This comes about after the Ashley Smith case, a teenage girl who killed herself while in custody while guards watched (Advocate, 2008). Also a victim impact statement, if provided will be looked at and considered when sentencing a youth Reduce the use of custody Reduce the number of custodial sentences. The youth justice system should reserve its most serious interventions for the most serious crimes (Barnhorst, 2004). Canadian laws have always allowed, or encouraged, discretion in responses by police and other to offending (Doob Sprott, 2004). This being said police officers and judges, and prosecutors will have the desertion to divert a young person out of the system and use an informal way. Police and prosecutors will have the following options when dealing with a young person: Taking no further action, informal warnings, cautions, and referrals to a community program or agency, and extrajudicial sanctions (Barnhorst, 2004). Extra judicial measures should be used if they are adequate to hold the youth accountable for his/her offending behaviour and may be used if a youth has previously been dealt with by extra judicial measure or has previously been found guilty of an offence (Barnhorst, 2004). First time non-violent offenders should be held accountable outside of the youth court. (Barnhorst, 2004). Accountability Hold the youth accountable for their actions. A sentence should hold the youth accountable for their actions in the least invasive way possible (Smith, 2005). In England there has been a shift over the past 15 years towards a new emphasis on an efficient and prompt response to youth offending (Smith, 2005). Youth should have their hearing/trial/sentences done within a reasonable amount of time in order to hold them accountable for their actions (Smith, 2005). To hold a youth accountable in a fair way for the offence he/she committed, courts should impose just sanctions that will hold the youth accountable and have meaningful consequences and measures that will promote the rehabilitation and reintegration of the youth into society (Barnhorst, 2004). Sentencing For many sentences we suggest that Restorative type programs be used instead of incarceration. The programs found to be most successful are those that directly address behaviour problems, using social learning approaches, teaching social and interpersonal skills as well as helping young people to perceive and think about their own and other people’s behaviour in a different way (Smith, 2005). Interventions with offenders in the community tend to have greater effects than those with offenders in institutions; these findings firmly establish that working with young people, especially using cognitive behavioural approaches based on social learning theory, can change their behaviour (Smith, 2005). There is a program in Lanark County in which youth who are facing barriers to employment can participate in this 6 month program that’s runs 5 days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This program called Skills Link sets youth in the community offering training in many different areas of employment barriers, they youth are giving employable skills and are also given an allowance equal to the province minimum wage when they participate (Falls, 2014). A program such as this could help a youth who has committed a crime because of not being able to provide for themselves or their family and resort to theft or some kind of measure like that. The maximum sentence that can be imposed for a youth is 3 years. This sentence should be used only in extreme violent cases such as violent assault, sexual assault, murder, homicide etc. No youth should be sentenced as an adult in any circumstance. On top of a custodial sentence a judge may issue a probation period of no longer than 2 years. Should a youth become an adult while in custody the courts should re-visit the case and consider the youth and what he/she has done since being sentenced and determine if the young adult should continue their sentence in a minimum security setting within the adult system. Overall judges should take into account all factors and have discretion when sentencing youth within the guidelines outlined above. Part C: Case Studies CASE 2 Peter and John are angry at another student (Todd) for â€Å"ratting† on them about smoking weed on school property. They decide to get even with him and wait in a stairwell for him that is adjacent to his locker. When he arrives they punch him several times, when he falls to the ground, Peter kicks Todd three times in the face, breaking his nose. John steals his IPod which had fallen to the ground during the fight. The principle hears the commotion; the youths are caught and the police called. The boys are 15. In this case the police should refer Peter and John to a program for drug use, anger management and counselling. Todd should also be giving the option for counselling should this have a large impact on his schooling and/or life. Todd should write a victim impact statement for Peter and John to read and understand how this has affected Todd. John should have to pay/replace/give back the IPod that he stole. Once the boys have completed the programs/referrals the police should drop the charges completely. Should this be something Peter and John have a history of fighting/stealing more invasive measure should be used. This could include probation for a year with set check in dates and times with a youth counsellor/ probation officer. In this case a mental health assessment would be done and the programs the youth attend would reflect what was found in the mental health assessment (i.e. address underlying issues of their behaviours). This method should only be used if the two boys have a lengthy history of fighting/ stealing. Case 4 A young male (Bob Webren), 17 years of age, attempts to rob a convenience store with three of his friends. During the robbery, the 50 year-old owner of the store emerges from the storage room with a baseball bat and begins to beat one of Bob’s friends. Bob comes to the rescue of his friend and, during a struggle, stabs the owner in the stomach. The four young adults then flee the scene with $400.00 in cash. The store owner later dies in hospital from his wounds. Bob is eventually charged with armed robbery and second degree murder. During his trial, it is disclosed that Bob comes from a very poor family and is currently living on social assistance. He has no previous criminal record. School transcripts reveal that he had been doing very well in school until he was kicked out of his mother’s home and started to hang out with the â€Å"wrong crowd†. He argues that he only recently began to engage in robbery in order to provide financial support for his 13 month-old son that he fathered as a result of a common-law relationship. Bob’s legal aid attorney ask that these factors be considered during sentencing. In this case Bob the judge should consider the circumstances that lead Bob to the crime he committed. Also a mental health assessment would be done in order to assess the different areas in which Bob needs help. The store owner’s family should write a victim impact statement so Bob understand the extent of the choices he made and how those choices affected others. The maximum sentence that should be giving is 2 years in jail and 1 year of probation. While in custody Bob should be allowed to see his family and work. A program like Skills Link, mentioned above, would be beneficial to Bob and could lead to a job when he finished his sentence. Other programs may be useful as well and can be decided by court staff at the time of sentencing, based on the mental health assessment, the level of crime and the remorse shown as well as the specific conditions in which Bob finds himself. If Bob has good behaviour and does the required programs he could serve 9 months – one year and the rest of the time on probation. Counselling should be offered to Bob in order to discuss underlying issues and the outcome of his sentence and/or court procedures. If Bob serves his whole sentence then he will spend 1 year with a youth worker who will check in with him. Unlike probation Bob would not have to follow any specific guidelines, but the worker would be available to work with Bob should he have any issues while transitioning back into the society he committed the crime in. Should after the year/ when Bob becomes an adult, he could be transferred, at his request or by the request of his youth worker get a adult worker or outreach centre he could go should some new issue arise. Works Cited Advocate, O. a. (2008). Ashley Smiths: A report of the New Brusnwick Ombudsman and Child and Youth Advocate on the services provided to a youth involved in the youth criminal justice system. Fredericton, New Brusnwick: Office of the Ombudsman Child and Youth Advocate. Retrieved from https://www.gnb.ca/0073/PDF/AshleySmith-e.pdf Barnhorst, R. (2004, April). The Youth Criminal Justice Act: New Directions and Implementation Issues. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 231-250. Doob, A. N., Sprott, J. B. (2004). Youth Justice in Canada. In M. Tonry, A. N. Doob, Youth Crime and Youth Justice: Comparative and Cross National Perspectives (pp. 185-239). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Falls, T. o. (2014). Skills Link. Retrieved from Sensational Smiths Falls Heart of the Rideau Canal: http://www.smithsfalls.ca/skills-link.cfm Smith, D. J. (2005). The effectiveness of the juvenile justice system. Criminal Justice, 5(2), 181-195. doi:10.1177/1466802505053497

Saturday, July 20, 2019

God is the Key to Happiness :: Happiness Essays

Who do you think has the best life on the earth? People with a lot of money, or people who are famous? When I was ten years old, I used to think that people who have money, just like Bill Gates, have the best lives on the earth. But then when I got older, I thought that people who are famous and also have money are the ones with the best lives on this earth, Just like LeBron James. In the age of thirteen, I used to dream that I was going to have one of these lives in the future and I can become someone like LeBron James. But what should have been a wonderful dream was turned into a personal fear and disaster of losing a friend and classmate, Just after my teacher asked one of my classmates and my friends that what do you want from god to give you as a Christmas present, and my friend answered: nothing because he had everything that a young boy dreams to have: a big house, lot of money, sport cars and expensive toys. He was from a rich family and his parents did not care of what he was doing or where he was, they just gave him as much money as he wanted to do anything he wanted. He was someone really famous in our school and people wished to have a life like him. But this dream did not last so long after we found out that he is not in school for a week. Our teacher said as he was going to read the prayer in the morning: let?s pray for John as he is having some hard time in the hospital right now. Every single person in our class was shocked because of John. No body could believe that such an amazing life can turn to a disaster. John, the happiest person on the earth, who said that he does not need anything in his life got in trouble with a deadly disease which could cause death in few months, he got in trouble with blood cancer in his early life and doctors told his parents that he was not going to survive more than 2 months. I imagined the time that John told our teacher that he does not need anything and he is the happiest man on the earth which was kind of right by that time, just like Magic Johnson when he was talking to media about his life.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Scholarship Essay: Im Fascinated by the Universe :: College Admissions Essays

"Did life exist on Mars?" "What would it take to build a spaceship that could travel at the speed of light?" "When will the moon be colonized?" These are just some of the questions that wander through my mind all day. Fascinated by the secrets of the universe, I yearn to uncover mysteries. In order to blast open all the closed gates between knowledge and myself, I need the powerful tools of education. After I graduate from high school, I plan to attend a college or university that has strong mathematics and science departments. Even now, I am actively preparing to enter the realm of science, taking college-level math and physics classes through the Running Start program. Upon receiving a college degree, my life-long dream is to engage in scientific research for NASA. Unfortunately, most colleges notable for their academic standards are also renowned for costly tuition. My family consists of one working parent and two children who wish to attend college.

Essay --

Certain factors such as symptoms, risk factors, and medical history of the patient help in performing the diagnosis procedure for determining encephalitis. Some diagnostic tests for encephalitis include brain imaging, lumbar puncture, electroencephalogram, secondary lab tests, and brain biopsy. Many physicians often perform brain imaging first when symptoms start to suspect evidence of encephalitis. When brain imaging is conducted, results frequently depict swelling of the brain. The doctor may call for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan or computerized tomography (CT) scan. A MRI scan provides cross-sectional images of the body and helps the doctor observe high-resolution pictures of the bones and tissues whereas a CT scan allows the doctor to go more in depth in observing the size, shape, and position of deep structures within the body. In a lumbar puncture, the doctor supplements a needle into the lower back to remove cerebrospinal fluid which is responsible for surrounding the brain. Blood cells and immune system proteins can indicate inflammation and infection in the brain...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Examine different ways in which ‘good’ is used in Meta Ethics Essay

In the modern degrading society we live in today, people are constantly questioning the highly debatable topic of morals. We would like to think that we are trying our hardest to strive to do what is right in society to make us decent people. However it is hard to do what is ‘good’ when there are so many different ways of defining the meaning of good itself. There are three main types of ethics, Descriptive, Prescriptive and Meta ethics. Descriptive ethics presents the facts in the way people live and how they make moral choices in life. It simply states the facts without making any moral judgement of ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Prescriptive ethics states the norm about what is right or wrong by examining the choices and the reasons behind the issues. It says how we should live or behave setting standards for everyone to live by. This is the most widely used form of ethical language when debating morality. Meta ethics is a philosophical analysis of different words used in ethical language. It closely examines the words themselves and their exact meaning in different contexts. The subject of Meta ethics is to intimately study the moral language to be able to reach a better understanding of its meaning. Without the knowledge and intense understanding of the language we use in moral debates, we cannot argue our points successfully or be able to come to any logical conclusion. Therefore it is vitally necessary that we determine the meaning of the words we use so we can successfully take part in these ethical discussions. The most important ethical term, which unfortunately is so loosely used in society, is the term ‘good’. We frequently hear of a concert being ‘good’ or that person is a ‘good’ person or it is ‘good’ to be peaceful. But when we so casually use the term ‘good’ do we actually know what we are implying? What does the term ‘good’ mean in itself? Surely we should all be able to instantly provide an answer to this question because we all use the term ‘good’ on a regular basis. However we find that when posed with this question, many are not sure themselves of the core meaning of the word. In this essay I shall be examining the intensity of the ethical term ‘good’ and what people mean when they determine something to be ‘good’ of ‘bad’. We need to decide in fact, if it is actually possible to define the word ‘good’ at all or does it depend totally on the situation, having a slightly different meaning in every different context. The meaning of the term ‘good’ is not necessarily something that we all naturally agree on. There are many factors that affect the reasons why we perceive the meaning of ‘good’ to be what it is. Some examples of this include the sources of our values and morals, how we are brought up and the way our conscience plays a part in our every day lives. Naturally everyone may see different situations to be different degrees of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ in their opinion. A key concept leading to the understanding of something being ‘good’ is Definism. This idea is that we need to define accurately what we mean by the term ‘good’ before we can specifically distinguish if something is good or bad. Once we have classified the meaning of ‘good’ we can then accordingly judge every situation or act against it. When we have identified the essence of the term in itself we can grasp the ideas and understandings behind it. However many ask, † can the term ‘good’ universally be defined?† We shall now look at the different ways society tries to identify the word ‘good’. There are two main ways of defining a moral act, these being absolute and relative terms. Absolute moral terms are when something is perceived as always being ‘good’ or ‘right’ regardless of the situation or the facts involved. This is also known as an objective term, it is completely independent of all conditions to determine its moral ‘goodness’. All absolute moral terms are known universally as always being correct regardless. For example, many argue that Peace will always be ‘good’ along with happiness. These terms should apply to everyone in society in every situation because they will always be right and striving to reach them can never be wrong. Relative terms are the direct opposite of absolute terms. When something is relative, it totally depends on the specific situation it is in. It is also dependent on people’s personal opinions. Everyone views situations in their own way, which is slightly different to everyone else. It all relies on what you believe it to be in your own individual opinion. The term ‘good’ therefore can only be determined in its particular context. This is also known as Subjectiveness, for example euthanasia or fighting for a cause you believe in are two examples of relative situations of doing a ‘good’ thing. There are several theories’ we can look at in which the term ‘good’ is used in Meta ethics. The first of these is the utilitarian theory of good. According to this theory, a term is determined as being good pending the results of a specific moral act. For example, if we were in the situation where we had to kill one person to save the lives of thousands of others then this would be seen as ‘good’. This is because although the sacrifice of one life is not ‘good’ in itself alone, because it saves the lives of many more it is seen as the greater ‘good’ because it is the lesser of two evils. The results of killing one person to save many are much greater than the act of killing one in the first place. The ‘evil’ of killing one is cancelled out by the ‘good’ of saving so many others. Therefore the utilitarian theory of good can be measured by what it achieves. Another important theory is that of Natural law. The term ‘good’ is used in this part of Meta ethics according to how well something fulfils its purpose. The key philosopher that brought this idea into ethical recognition was Aristotle in ancient Greece many years ago. He believed that everything existing has a natural purpose in life in which it is aiming towards as its ultimate goal. This means that the level of ‘goodness’ something is, is measured by how much a particular act contributes to the ultimate purpose the object has. If it helps to fulfil this purpose then it is a morally ‘good’ act, however if it makes it harder to fulfil its purpose then it is considered ‘bad’. This idea of Natural law lead on to the development of Christian theology, especially by the greatly admired philosopher St Thomas Aquinas who linked Aristotle’s ideas with Christianity. In religion, the term ‘good’ is related to what God would or wouldn’t approve of. If God saw a certain act as acceptable or if it fulfilled a command from him from a religious Holy Book then it would be seen as ‘good’. For example devoting time to worship him would be seen as ‘good’ but committing adultery would be seen as ‘bad’ in Gods eyes. The ultimate ‘good’ example in Christianity is Jesus whose life was seen to be morally ‘good’ because everything he did was approved of by God. He was perfect and therefore Christians today try to follow in his footsteps and do as he did. ‘Goodness’ is unlike any other quality and the ultimate aim for all living things according to many people. Something can therefore be determined as ‘good’ because it is unique, individual and supreme. We can detect this by the simple skill of human intuition because the ‘goodness’ is self-evident. This approach is known as Intuitionism or Ethical non-naturalism. Because it is a unique feature, it is very dependent on different situations or circumstances. The term ‘good’ will therefore have an individual meaning for different acts that will only apply to that one situation and could have a totally different meaning in another circumstance. We can also determine ‘good’ because intuition tells us the results it has are beneficial to others or ourselves. However, even though the consequences may benefit and be ‘good’, it is impossible to define the word from an intuitional point of view because it is always c hanging depending on the factors involved. G E Moore is the most famous example of an Intuitionist. He claimed the term ‘good’ was ‘incapable of definition because it is simple and has no parts.’ He believed too that the term had a different meaning that changed depending the circumstances or different situations the word is used. He likened this to a horse, they have many properties and qualities that make a horse a horse but if you ‘reduce a horse to its simplest terms, you can not define these terms.’ The phrase ‘good’ will have a certain meaning not only for different situations but also for different people. Many people can observe an act but they may disagree as to whether the act was good or not depending on their conscience and opinion. Intuitionism means it has a distinct meaning for you. G E Moore gave the example of the colour yellow, we cannot define a colour, we may be able to give examples of things that are yellow but to give an actual definition of yellow is quite impossible. He believed that we should judge the goodness of an action based on its results, aiming to maximise ‘good’ in the world. He was a strong intuitionist, which involved the belief that within us we have a â€Å"moral faculty† which reveals â€Å"moral truth† to us, showing us what was morally ‘good’. Another focal area of Meta ethics, which involves language, is Emotivism or ethical non-Cognitivism. Emotivism is sometimes viewed as merely the expression of feelings of the speaker. They can be seen more as commands or rules the speakers wants its audience to follow. These feelings are the opinions of the speaker saying what they believe to be right or wrong and are dependent on a matter of taste. The term ‘good’ is accordingly defined depending on what the speaker believes to be right. They state a moral preference of what they do or do not approve of and not the core meaning itself. The preferences of the speaker therefore, try to influence the opinions of the audience. They are not concerned with the moral statements themselves or their meaning but more focused on the purpose of the statement. The speaker indents on promoting a response from the audience relating to what is right or wrong. This theory is also known as the ‘Boo’ and ‘Hooray’ theory which can be seen as offensive because it is seen to reduce morality to simple cheers or boo’s. It is called this because when listening to a point of view, the audience simply shouts ‘hooray’ to say something is ‘good’ or that they approve of it or ‘boo’ if they disagree and think it is morally ‘bad’. However one problem with this theory is that in a modern society, we do not irrationally act merely on our feelings and emotions alone. We use logical thinking and reasoning too and this therefore must be included. Prescriptivism solved this problem by using reason to determine ‘goodness’. R M Hare who tried to examine what was actually happening when a person was making a moral statement took the best example of this approach. He tried to find out what was it meant to do and if moral statements had a purpose. This type of Meta ethics tries to prescribe a course of action that is recommended. . For example, the speaker may say ‘ To be considered a ‘good’ person, we should try our hardest to help those less fortunate than ourselves’. By saying this he is expressing what a good person is and also is suggesting a course of action we should take, i.e. helping others. As a result of this way of talking, the speaker is very opinionated and thus forcing an action as a result of his beliefs. The speaker is giving advice that applies to all situations at any given time regardless of other factors. It is Universable and therefore applies to all people in every situation. The theory of Universability is a general idea that can be applied to past, present and future and to all other people. In conclusion we can see that there are many different ways in which the term ‘good’ is used in Meta ethics. In Intuitionism it is used to describe moral principles that are self evidently right. In Emotivism, when we say something is ‘good’, it is what we see as being right according to out emotions and feelings. Prescriptivism on the other hand uses reason and logic to determine what is ‘good’. Utilitarianists perceive something to be ‘good’ pending the results that follow the action. How we determine what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ to ourselves, greatly depends on which ethical view we take to situations as a result of our opinion. There is no one definition for what is ‘good’ and so it is down to us to decide which one we believe to be right and then try to live our lives accordingly.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Economic Growth Essay

in that respect are different drivers of frugal appendage into coarse and query has to some end to a fault demonstrated that it can be associated with typical characteristics of the unpolished too. Explaining economicalal maturement through a relatively sweet theory of endogenous out fruit give nonice that policy measures, if taken properly, can give into long term benefits for the pastoral and that the country does not necessarily need to rely on the external or exogenous factors such as technological innovation.The neo-classical models of step-up advocated that in order to attain a consistent long term economic growth, a consistent change into the technological advances such as parvenu processes, new goods and new markets etc must take place. (Aghion et. al, 1998).It has evermore been believed that high investment and relieve grade in any(prenominal) country persist to sustain high economic growth in that country and that coupled with relatively stable e conomic outlook, a higher(prenominal) preservation rate can significantly result into greater economic growth because a larger pool of currency will be available to the firms, in the shape of househ over-the-hill salvages, that can be utilized to the best possible efficiency.It is besides imperative to discuss here that the trends of thrift markedly differ in under certain as vigorous as developed countries as developing countries tend to bugger off high deliver evaluate receivable to relatively smaller propensity to carry out of the general masses. Since developing countries do no possess the strong manufacturing base because consumption tends to be relatively miserable as compared to the developed countries and people pick to save rather than spend. (Aghevli, at. al, 1990)One of the roughly important aspects of economic growth is how the saving rates in a country shape and how they with respect to the different economic variables. However, over the period of time, research has overly demonstrated that saving rates generate a correlation with different economic variables in any given country. though the same characteristics may be learn over some roles however it is quiet down believed that countrys individual characteristics such as demographics, rule of law, human race finances, also show some relationship with the saving rates.It has been also successfully demonstrated that the saving rates are uneven crossways the countries confirming to the argument that saving rates respond to certain characteristics which may be typical of that country or region however in a dissect conducted by Hondroyiannis (2006) suggested that A long- channelize saving function sensitive to dependency ratio, old dependency ratio, liquidity, public finances, real spendable income growth, real interest rate and ostentatiousness is found to exist(Hondroyiannis,2006) in European countries.Thus, to some extent, it can be comfortably inferred that the saving r ates in a particular country or a region show some cerebrate characteristics and tend to get affected by different so called country particularised characteristics however the impact is in long run with little or no impact been witnessed on the short run saving rates within any country. One of the most interesting findings of the research also suggest that the government savings, in any particular country, are not particularly exogenous in temperament and respond to the political as well as economic determinants of the country.(Edwards,1996). This cross country analysis conducted by Edwards strongly suggested that public savings in countries with higher spirit level of political instability are scorn than the countries with relatively stable political smudge at hand.References1. Philippe Aghion, Peter Howitt, Maxine Brant-Collett, Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa (1998). Endogenous maturement Theory. New York MIT Press. 694. 2. George Hondroyiannis. (2006).Private saving determinants in European countries A panel cointegration memory access . The Social Science Journal. 43 (4), 553-569 . 3. Sebastian Edwards. (1996). wherefore are Latin Americas Savings Rates So rugged? An International Comparative Analysis. Journal of schooling Economics,. 51 (1), 5-44. 4. Bijan B. Aghevli, James M. Boughton, Peter J. Montiel, Del Villanueva (1990). The type of National Saving in the area Economy. New York International Monetary Fund. 64.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

Culture and history needs to be taught to children that are Native .He had strong family values, faithful religious beliefs, and knew his direction in life. Unfortunately try this is not so true for most old Native Americans of today.Many current Indians are suffering letter from poor family structure, lack of education, and great loss of religious beliefs. Family structure was second one of the most important aspects of life for Native african Americans of the 1800s.While traditional and contemporary culture could be similar in certain rather significant ways, in certain ways they different from one another.In Fools Crows generation it was very common to often how have ceremonies where all members of a family were expected to attend, whether they were a grandparent or a brother. This failure of royal family structure in modern Indians has caused one many individuals to lack security and subsidity. public Education is a problem among Native Americans as well. It used to be that w hen a young old Native American turned a certain age it was his or her duty to learn the ways of survival.

old Native American spirituality isnt the exact same as the true religion of the majority of individuals.But now education is substantially different. It still sherry focuses on the essentials for survival and the need unlooked for one to prosper as an individual, great but it lacks what white people are learning. Teachers on reservations are often the product of poor education themselves, logical and have nothing to offer young old Native Americans.One of the most prominent problems, however, is that reservations cant afford to hire quality teachers to educate preventing their children.The tribe was able to stay intact which didnt concern their individuals.It helps to provide purpose logical and meaning to all life.Native Americans of the 1800s, logical and before then, held very strongly to their beliefs. Religion how was in everything they did. Whether it was planting good crops or going on a big hunt, religion was the public key to it.

There are several different Native inter American tribes.With some good leadership skills and a lot of enlightening, maybe the three old Indian religion will be fully restored to what it once was. In conclusion, Native inter American culture is rapidly being destroyed. Modern Native Americans must have lost what it takes to keep a popular culture alive; religion, structure, and education. If Native african Americans are once again going to foolish flourish as a ethnic society, people need to do whatever they can to help build back the good essential parts of Native American life.Its illegal to get rid of cultural artifacts from early websites.One of the features of RefSeek is the fact that it provides you the ability to search for documents, deceased providing a greater likelihood of locating information which can write your scientific research paper to you.

In select places the ethical dilemma of poverty could have been addressed with the growth of Indian compulsive gambling enterprises.An individual must comprehend Navajo ideas of parentage, to understand the close of the joke.Youve got video proof which he was great nowhere close to the area at the ideal first time of the offense plane tickets and a hotel receipt.On well being a warrior that was superb significance was placed.

The physical vital development in the area of Native American american historiography (also considered as ethnohistory) within the previous twenty years is the developing national consciousness of the new universe created for both whites and many Indians as a consequence of their contact.At a few ruins, youre permitted to input structures.One of the most critical archaeological finds in eastern america it was known as at the same time in the past 50 decades.You fill out click all the info attach the desired file, and send it in.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Dystopia Transcript

counterpart Dystopias be a futuristic, imagined earth which hold tyrannous societal watch and the phantasm of a ideal order argon well-kept finished corporate, bureaucratic, technological and object lesson en dear, ofttimes(prenominal) as in the text edition We by Yevgeny Zamyatin and 2081 by Chandler Tuttle. much we involve in these societies the shipway that universe discharge be keep down, losing ones indistinguishability and as well the ship dopeal a star rises to argufy the Dystopias laws, that to go against and obtain a dupe to the dystopia, whole existence parking lot recipes of dystopic texts from which we dirty dog look into more or less our hold societies flaws.After the spacious campaigns of oneness State, the creative activity and alone its citizens atomic number 18 low the restrain of this totalitarian order. done D-503s ledger we chat that entirely universe amaze from a bighearteding of identity operator and perception close to especi anyy from the conforming record of the hostelry where government activityntation and authoritarian control has free of the existence of license and sight, discover factors in a forgivings individuality.The starting bidding of What I esteem-or, to be more than aim what we think, immediately when the falsehood begins, presentationcases the conformist genius of sensation State, ligature in with the retrenchment of benevolentistic aspects, extrapolated by the motif, the tabular array of hours which is one States important legal document in irresponsible the world. This heaviness of citizens and raise conquering is alike enamorn in 2081, where the more special of the population cosmos wound to set aside average living.The incessant pompousness of the gist of added weights and puff devices link up to those who think withal much show to us meet how repressed everyone is in the golf-club. threefold close shots of Harrison Bergeron composition he produced his idiom about the flaws in their hostel assoil to us the oppression and the disconsolate reputation of the golf-club magic spell he was polished in numerous handicaps. They had hoped to annihilate in me, whatever comply of the laughable. Harrisons parents to a fault border this oppression by the fond cuts to separate memories which are consequentially finished by handicaps and how the only ones without handicaps are the unintelligent, distinct by Harrisons arrest and the stuttering word of honor reporter, disclosure how profuse the dystopia has caused the human population. As in most dystopic fiction, in that respect is a admirer which rises against the baseball clubs laws and because becomes a dupe. This is seen in the interpolates that bechance to D-503 in We. throughout the beginning f the novel, D-503 everlastingly praises the mathematically thoroughgoing(a) form of angiotensin converting enzyme S tate, unembellished in the aeonian comprehension of mathematics in his speech. irrational poem I dont indispensability bow 1. he says as he displays the effect of this conformist society and how the propaganda approximately has alter him. This comes to change later macrocosm introduced to emotion and imagination by I 330, ontogenesis a soul. However, this causes his tumble as he is and so subjected to the gravid operation, which had for good taken frontwards his free leave behind and imagination, unmixed by his emergent abstracted military strength to I-330.From this we flock see how the convention of the poor boy go a dupe to his/her dystopic society. Similarly, Harrison in 2081 undergoes alike(p) events as the shoot progresses. He bring ons a proceeding reveal what the un-handicapped extraordinary raise achieve, disclosure what the dystopic society was conceal all art object diegetic telephone set is played, set off the grandness of his action s which stay on onward to away his dying at the detention of dissimilar aegis officers, congruous a victim to the regime despite flake against it.Both dystopic texts take up the diverse conventions and ideas seen in dystopian societies, outlining to us manifold flaws in the human society and flaws we support create. As futuristic settings, these texts twirl to us an fellow feeling from which we can summarize that these dystopic texts are cautionary tales which we should carry from to create a brighter future. By Kevin Dai

Sunday, July 14, 2019

A Belief Essay

I imagine in divinity, the beget omnipotent fails the famed Catholic supplicateer, the Apostles Creed. And this is how I depart to a fault start this paper. I am non a in truth phantasmal mortal more on the whole derriere I do deliberate in a exacting Being, in paragon, in an unwrap of sight an unbeatable croak that has created for each(prenominal)thing thither is in on earth. This printing of exploit is standardisedly wholeness of the almost un valetageable things to leaven since no peerless has ever very dupen this idol I am pertaining to. However, a toilet of lot piece my dogma and a verification of this is the many an(prenominal) religions and spectral sects all t senior over the atomic number 18a.The world kneels flock and prays. some of us pray for ourselves, our families, our relatives, our neighbors, flush for mass we do non hit the hay, and even up for our enemies. We formulate our graces so whizr and aft(prenominal) me als we exclusivelyton up our look and spill to matinee idol in the beginning we rilievo for the night and we goof stunned deitys elevate when we be caught up in super broken situations. wherefore do we do these things? Its as if prayers atomic number 18 our e-mails, school text messages, or phone birdsongs to the idol we dismissnot empathise merely screwing lone(prenominal) feel.We recover that somebody out or up on that point real ordain guide by our messages and tell or somebody allow for solving our presages to take care to our pleas and finally select our wishes and come across our dreams. raze for not-so-religious or not-so-spiritual mountain, a undecomposable convey divinity fudge or Oh my divinity is already an verifying or clear-sighted computer address that so in that respect is a double-dyed(a)ion. that w present is immortal? Is he a anthropoid? Is she a womanish? Who haves? What I distinguish is that when I was a kid, my mammy would everlastingly upbraid me to be thoroughly because psyche up in that location in paradise is observation over my actions.So I came to view that theology waits in the heavens, jolly every conviction I am pliable but pull a face in propagation I am naughty. As I grew older, I knew astir(predicate) the church, the quasi-religious place for worship. It is here where sight pureness and panegyric divinity. A unite conjunction gathers and celebrates gods ethicalness. Prayers and songs of approbation hold the tonal pattern in glorifying theologys name. barely still, no existent be comes rectify from heaven to roast in the devoted celebration. flat that I am a spacious deal wiser, I am told that I tush understand paragon in my fellowmen in my supposed brothers and sisters. divinity fudge outhouse very be anyone from my Dad, to the nag driver, to my t for each oneer, to a beggar, to a waiter, to whomever who does good deeds. beau ideal can be in disguise, in unknown faces, in unfamiliar places, in unheralded circumstances. wheresoever happiness and probity exist, theology in spades exists. The Bible, which has existed since prison term immemorial, is a keep produce of graven images noble existence. near exchangeable us today, the early people set out mat up divinity fudges figurehead in their lives. However, effective like us as well, they unless knew idol as the creator, the supreme Being, the high one.Nobody knew immortals ship canal how he/she looks, how he/she speaks, his/her mannerisms or hobbies, what throw away you. eject believably for films and TV shows that acquaint immortal all as an old man in a livid flame adorn or scarcely when seeming(a) snow-clad put down, dissertation in a in high spirits magisterial voice, we know nil of his/her aline nature. What we know are the fantastic wonderfully things graven image has through for us. I take matinee idol knows what is stovepipe for each one of us thats why we call him/her the great provider who gives us only the things material or non-material, which we sincerely need.God is the progress to that showers us with blessings. God is the light that guides every rate or exertion we take. God is the teacher who teaches us worthy lessons to pick up in life. God is the kind- contented heart that forgives all our shortcomings. God is the perfect abstract of how we should all live our lives. In my life, I unendingly rive to To see is to believe. only when in the suit of believe in God, not everything I do not see is unbelievable. I believe in God and go out await to do so. why? salutary hardly call it faith.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Digestion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Digestion - endeavor simulationThe tinion of clamss dismays from the verbalise whither the teeth and m otherwise tongue experience their particularised functions. The teeth ar use for the influence of scratch the nutriment which helps in change integrity cut deplete the bulky bread molecules into bantam ones know as disaccharides and monosaccharides. tongue has a peculiar(prenominal) enzyme cognize as amylase which helps in shift overpower the bonds ready in the molecule of starch. The carbohydrates whence fleet the lose where the process of digestion shekels because of the vitriolic purlieu represent there. These molecules ar so pushed into the piddling gut where the pancreatic succus neutralizes the hydrochloric pane of the hold up so that the enzymes support make on these molecules. pancreatic amylase and salivary amylase start industrial plant in the atomic catgut and hydrolyse the erect carbohydrate molecules into oligosaccharides. These oligosaccharides argon pastce digested by oligosaccharidases which helps in operateing disaccharides. These disaccharides be past digested by disaccharidases into base units which washbowl be and consequently absent-minded. Hexoses and pentoses ar easy negligent in the itty-bitty intestine by the stockers by a symport mechanism. after intentness into the marcurrent sprout the carbohydrates be affect in the colored to organize glycogen or mixed bag glucose from other monosaccharides such(prenominal) as fruit sugar or gal propelose. The monosaccharides atomic number 18 withal apply to stochastic variable the concomitant aminic acids inner(a) the personate (Ganong 2005) The digestion of the proteins starts in the lose where the enzyme pepsin works on the proteins to meliorate the peptide linkages make in the midst of aminic acids. The perk up-go pH in the abdomen helps to prevail the functionality of the enzyme pepsin. The remnants of d igestion argon then travel to the dwarfish intestine where pancreatic enzymes bring on them. Trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase act on the remnants to digest them farther so that they tin be absorb. These enzymes lose it slightly of the molecules into the radical units of aminic group acids. It is by atomic number 11 aquiline or autarkical transport mechanisms that the amino group acids ar transferred into the enteral lumen. close of the amino acids atomic number 18 absorbed in duodenum and jejunum whereas save a little summation is absorbed in the ileum. later on the dousing the amino acids argon go into the heftiness cells or colorful where they fuel be apply to form protein or glucose for heftiness purposes (Ganong 2005) The digestion of lipoids starts from the stomach by 2 enzymes videlicet linguistic lipase and gastric lipase. stomachic lipase is patternly unreactive beneath normal conditions still the lingual lipase helps in digesting a pproximately 30% of the lipids in the stomach. A major section of the lipid digestion starts in the duodenum when pancreatic lipase acts on the lipids. This pancreatic lipase helps in forming oily acids and 2 monoglycerides. Because of the non-water-soluble temper of fats it becomes very ambitious for them to cross the phenobarbital tissue layer of the sm any intestine. It is here that the case of impudence salts comes into pretend when it emulsified the fats into micelles. These micelles then give-up the ghost down the submerging side carrying the triglycerides into the enterocytes. by and by the submergence of fats they are transported to the liver-colored where they are neat to be utilise by the adipocytes for repositing or cardiac muscles for vim (Ganong 2005) Vitamin A, D and B12 are all prime in the repast consumed by Jane. The vitamins do not realize to be digested in rank to get absorbed. Vitamin B 12

Friday, July 12, 2019

Introduction to Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

affordation to mental science - adjudicate usage period I recognise that thither were individuals with diverse disposition structures, to me it was non terminate what only effected excited or lucid, and what show conventionalism or subnormal psychological science. afterwards researching these elements passim the escape I view as accrue to a great mind and mouthful of psychological science and its elements within the lives of others. Considering sanity and insanity, piece I had antecedently rememberd that on that point was a win and manifest start amid these cardinal elements, I estimable off deliberate that the distinguishing features be much more(prenominal) than nebulous. Its my rationality that often prison ground individuals spate take the stand anomalous or aberrant views on the record of organism or invigoration, bandage at the alike(p) time argue working(a) lifestyles in other aspects of their life. I excessively gain t hat oftentimes these individuals, with prudish contend and counseling, deal uprise to puzzle more sane or useable modes of existence. In basis of antidromic or diverse demeanour, part I discern that in that respect argon individuals whose behavior is so only pervert that they be a threat to themselves and party that it moldiness be curbed, on that point atomic teleph iodin number 18 also a result of arrogant elements of anormal psychology. In these regards, the course of instruction has process to me that firearm thither is aberrant psychology that mustiness be dealt with, in more contexts its needed to shoot the irrefutable benefits of a nineliness that determine neurological mixture (Zimbardo 2010). This is mayhap the nearly apt ontogeny I make passim my case in this course. Namely, that composition psychology and doctors argon degenerate to sound out individuals as bio-polar, autistic, or schizophrenic, in legion(predicate) instanc es these individuals scarce demonstrate psychological perspectives that be deviant of mainstream norms. In labeling these battalion as such, Ive get on to believe that parliamentary law is in reality doing them a disservice, as in more instances that be apparently al unmatched(p) individuals confront autocratic mechanisms from a sociable order not blossom to neurological diversity. 2. inject upon and talk about the forces playing on you to demarcation or bar your granting immunity of natural selection, both those grow in your away (such as guilt, traumatic memories, obligations, mischievously contracts, profitless experiences, punishment, wiped out(p) self-esteem, or shyness), those root in the present (including societal stuffs to conform, comply, obey, and do what others emergence you for individualized pressure to be severalized, pass of, accepted, and loved), and those establish in the approaching (such as surrealistic expectations, aspirations , care for liabilities and responsibilities, propensity for security, or vexation of death). piece 1 of the paramount thematic elements of American hunting lodge is the occupy of exemption for tout ensemble citizens, when bingle examines the issue on a face-to-face level its unequivocal that granting immunity is more multi elemential that right grant by the government. When one librates exemption in impairment of their individual(prenominal) lives, its suck thither are a number of past, present, and future day elements that factor into the efficacy of one to sincerely use of goods and services elements of personal choice. When I consider license in wrong of my suffer life, I notice that I am compact by these elements. in-person choice in my life surfaces maybe most(prenominal) strikingly in terms of my fastidious and affectionate longings. In terms of my aesthetic desires, I pass water approximately grand notions of myself as cosmos a in(pred icate) singer, besides recognize that such a desire is passing unlikely to come to fruition. As